Abraxio API - Getting Started

Abraxio API - Getting Started


APIs allow you to interface your IS with Abraxio to automate processes, retrieve data from Abraxio or integrate data into Abraxio.
API calls are secured using the OAuth2 protocol.

Presentation of the scopes

When creating your API accesses, you can choose to include in your access all or part of the scope to which your subscription gives you the right. Creating a new access therefore necessarily involves choosing associated scopes.
Here is a summary of the scopes available by subscription.
NB: the "/*" indication on an API route means "all routes that start with"

API Routes
API reporting
- datasets/budgets/*
- datasets/timesheets
List of budgetary exercises, budget lines, archives and orders, orders, invoices
API reporting
- datasets/projects/*
List of projects and their signage
Transactional APIs
- collaborators/absences
- timesheets
List of planned absences and details of timesheets entered
Transactional APIs
- collaborators/absences
Import of forecast absences for a given month
Transactional APIs
- orders/import
Order import progress status
Transactional APIs
- orders/import
Importing orders
Transactional APIs
 - suppliers/*
Reading Suppliers
Transactional APIs
 - suppliers/*
Create and edit suppliers
Transactional APIs
- portfolios/*
Reading portfolios, projects and activities
Transactional APIs
 - portfolios/*
Create and edit project and activities

Creating an API Access

  1. Step 1 : Go to Admin > Integrations > API
  2. Step 2 : Click on “ + Add API access ” and enter the access label and the desired scope.

  1. Step 3: Click on "Save". The registration automatically generates an access token, consisting of the parameter pair (clientId, clientSecret):
    1. The clientId (similar to a user account) is an identifier shared between the client and Abraxio.
    2. The clientSecret (similar to a password) is known only to the client.
  2. Step 4: Copy the secret and keep it safe in a secure space. Once you leave the page, you will not be able to retrieve it.
  3. Step 5 : Test the API calls by clicking on " Access the test interface ". You will be redirected to api-docs.abraxio.com allowing you to test the connection string, the available APIs and the associated documentation:
    1. Click on Authorize, copy the ClientID and Client Secret and check the desired scope(s)
    2. Click on API /v1/echo to check authentication validation
    3. Click on an API and fill in the input parameters to examine the exchanged JSON streams
  4. Step 6 : Implement API calls in your applications.

API Key Management

You can create multiple keys if your architectural and urban planning rules require it.
Deactivation temporarily suspends the validity of access.
Deletion permanently suspends the validity of access.

Managing reminders

  1. API Access Supervisor : Abraxio user in charge of supervising API access
  2. Other recipient : additional field in which you can enter an email address in addition to the supervisor
  3. Expiration reminder period : number of months before expiration from which Abraxio sends an email per week to the supervisor and the other recipient. To cancel the reminder, disable the concerned API access

An API access has a validity period limited to 12 months. At the end, you will need to generate a new access and use it in your API calls.

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