Reminder: the Abraxio configuration elements available in the Administration module are only accessible to authorized Administrator users.
The analytical axes allow you to qualify your projects and your budget lines in order to better analyze your budget, your projects and your activities. This data is optional but essential in the management of your projects or in analytical accounting. The defined values are transversal to your organization.
Values configuration screen
Access the List of Values configuration screen from the Admin module, then select the List of Values tab:
The analytical axes are then presented in a tree structure ( 1 ) according to the different Abraxio modules:
- Finance,
- Suppliers
- Management
- Project and activities
- Resources
Tip: Use the search bar for quick access to an axis configuration
The Different Analytical Axes
The financial analytical axes allow you to qualify your budget lines on different organizational, usage or business axes. You can create up to 19 financial analytical axes including the Accounting Reference.
- An accounting reference can be associated with a budget line in order to facilitate the reconciliation of your budget with that of your accounting.
- The financial analytical axes allow you to concretely materialize the distribution of your IT budget according to each axis by personalizing your displays in your detailed budget views.
- The supplier analytical axes allow you to qualify suppliers to categorize, search or analyze them.
- The contract analytical axes allow you to qualify contracts to categorize, search or analyze them. The 1st axis describes the type of contract.
- The profiles are macro qualifications of functions/skills (Developer, AMOA, Project Manager, etc.). They allow you to qualify internal and external collaborators, as well as your Internal Profile Resources and External Services with the aim of facilitating the staffing of projects/activities and analyzing the viability of capacity planning by large population.
- Collaborator : in addition to the profile, two other axes are available to categorize or search for collaborators. The values of these axes are carried by the management periods and can therefore be recorded in the event of changes over time.
- Timesheets : times entered or imported can be qualified by 2 analytical axes. When entering time, an employee can therefore specify the purpose of their imputation. For example, for your projects, you can define an axis which will correspond to the project phases (Design, Development, Recipe, etc.) and for your TMA activities, the application concerned.
Projects and activities
- The analytical axes of Projects and activities apply at the scale of a project or activity. They will be particularly useful for qualifying your projects, making groupings and personalizing your displays in summary of projects or activities, but also in detailed budget views. The values defined on projects and activities apply to all of the corresponding budget lines.
- One of the axes can be used to classify your projects and activities by adding an additional level of tree structure to the list of your projects and activities in the Portfolios module. The choice of this axis is made in the configuration of the Portfolios module, in the List of projects and activities section.
- Risk Families allow you to more precisely qualify the risks and difficulties of your organization's projects and activities (Change Management, Financial, Technical, Project, etc.).
Subcategories allow you to organize and better qualify your resources. A dataset, which you can enrich or modify, is offered by default. To maintain compatibility with the CIGREF standard, certain default values cannot be modified in the "Other, Personnel costs, structural costs and Telecom" categories.
The Tasks analytical axes allow you to qualify tasks to categorize, search or analyze them.
Configuration summary table by axis
For each axis, here are the possible configuration options:
Module | Wording | Number of Axes | Editable wording | Possible coding | Resettable | Multi-Selection | Grouping column | order of appearance | Tree-like | Editable list |
| Accounting Ref | 1 | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Finance | Analytics - X Axis | 18 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Suppliers | Analytics - X Axis | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Suppliers/Contracts | Contractual type | 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Suppliers/Contracts | Analytics - X Axis | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Management | Profile | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Management | Analytics - X Axis | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Management/Timesheets | Analytics - X Axis | 2 | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Projects and activities | Analytics - X Axis | 9
| Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Projects and activities/Risks | Family | 1 | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |
Resources | Categories | 1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes: each category will have its own subcategories | No |
Resources | Sub-category | 1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Partial |
Tasks | Analytics - X Axis | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Configuration items
By clicking on an axis, you access the description of its use and the configuration elements. Then make the desired modification, then save.
- Label : name of the axis which will be displayed within your environment, modifiable or not depending on the selected axis
- Resetting a financial analytical axis will delete all the values of the axis and rename its label to “ Analytical – Axis [X] ”. This will apply to all of your budgetary exercises excluding archives and orders.
- Axis configuration options depending on the selected axis:
- Display order (Available only for financial analytical axes): Allows you to increase or decrease the positioning of the selected axis in relation to the others, particularly in the detailed views of the budget.
- Axis type : An axis can be of List of values type (case described in this screenshot) or Nomenclature (case described in the screenshot below)
- Coding : If the option is checked, it allows you to assign a unique code to each of the values of your axis.
- Grouping : If the option is checked, a new “Group” column is available in the list of values. It allows you to classify the values by this field to facilitate selection
- Multi-Selection (Available only for the financial, supplier and project/activities analytical axes):
- For the Finance module, if the option is checked, you can select several values with % weighting for the same budget line.
- For the supplier and project/activity modules, if the option is checked, you will be able to select several values from the list in the data sheets of the entities concerned.
- Configuration of the values constituting the axis:
- To add a value:
- To edit a value: . When you modify a value, this modification will be reflected on all entries for the axis in question in Abraxio.
- To disable a value: . You can view disabled values by clicking the toggle switch above the value lists ( ) . You can reactivate a value by clicking on the icon so that it is available again.
- To delete a value:
Configuration of an axis in nomenclature
Once the "Nomenclature" box is checked, the display changes with two blocks "Level definition" and "Nomenclature definitions":
Definition of levels
A schedule can contain up to 3 levels that you can name. The following actions are available on the levels:
- “Unique code” check box: allows you to define whether a unique code will be associated with the values of this level
- Delete: Delete is available only for the last level of the axis. Be careful, it has the effect of deleting all the values of the level. As with lists of values, if you no longer wish to use this level, it is recommended to deactivate the values.
Definition of nomenclature
The definition of values is made up of a tab per level and a summary tab.
The level tabs contain a list with the following elements:
- If the level has parent levels, you will need to enter the parents for each level from a drop-down list
- Value (Label and unique code if the option has been defined for the level)
- Actions: deactivation and deletion which operate identically to simple lists of values. However, these actions concern all the child values of the deleted or deactivated value if this value is not at the last level of the nomenclature.
From one year to the next, the analytical axes and your risk families may evolve. In order to avoid deleting values already recorded in previous exercises, you can deactivate* the values that you no longer wish to offer by simply clicking on the deactivation icon to the right of each value:
*This is valid for all axes, except resource subcategories.
Finance Axes
The Accounting Ref then qualifies a budget line. You can find this qualification from the Qualification tab. You can also access the configuration of the list of values by double clicking on the cell.
The financial analytical axes qualify a budget line. We find the values entered from the Analytics tab:
Here is an example with:
A simple analytical axis
An analytical axis with multiple selection
An analytical axis with coding. You will find this qualification within the Finance module in the columns available in detailed view.
On a supplier's file, in the Identity tab , you can enter the analytical axes from the Identification block.
On a supplier's file, in the Contracts tab , you can fill in the analytical axes from the Summary block of a contract.
The Skills Profile provides information on:
- Internal profiles (when the “Manage payroll” option has been set to No) within the Resources module:
- External service providers within the Resources module:
- In the Management module > Teams tab, the profile can be entered in Employee Qualification:
The time qualification axes are available at 2 levels:
- In the Portfolios module, on each project and activity, you must define the list of eligible values. Otherwise, no additional qualifications will be requested in the timesheet.
- This configuration is available in the Budget block of the Project or activity management tab in the Portfolios module:
- In a timesheet, depending on the selected budget line, the employee must qualify their entry by selecting a value from the list defined on the project or activity of this line.
Axes Projects and activities
The Projects and activities analytical axes qualify a project or activity within the Portfolio module. On a project/activity sheet, Definition tab, PROJECT SIGNAGE insert > Qualification zone:
You will then find this qualification:
- Within the Portfolio module, in the columns available for each Project and Activities
- Within the Portfolio module, on each Flash report
- Within the Finance module, for all budget lines associated with a Project or Activity.
After selecting a project or activity within the Portfolios module, in the Monitoring tab, when editing the RISKS AND DIFFICULTIES insert, each risk can be qualified by a value from the risk family :
You will find this qualification within the Portfolio module, in the columns available for each Project and Activities.
Resource subcategories can be used within the Resources module, to further qualify your different resources and organize them in the list on the left:
You will then be able to find this qualification on each budget line for which you use the resource in question.
Axes with nomenclature
The choice of values in an axis with nomenclature will be made via a tree identical to the configuration summary tab. You can search this tree and select values at all levels of the nomenclature:
In the tables, you will find a summary column with the selected value and one column per level:
Level columns can be used in table groupings.