As a project manager, it is essential that risk management is at the heart of your concerns.
Project risk management aims to identify, evaluate, arbitrate and monitor these risks, on the dimensions that interest you (operational, strategic, etc.). It is an essential pivot in the success of a project.
As a result, the risk management present in Abraxio is intended to support PMOs and Project Managers in the overall management of project (or activity) risks, throughout the project life cycle.
This article describes the different risk management elements in Abraxio.
Create and manage risks for a project or activity
1. Access to risks
To access or create a risk on a project or activity, two possibilities:
Projects / Activities > Monitoring tab > Risks > Create (preferred method)
- Projects / Activities > Management tab > "Risks" block
2. Display: Matrix or Table
Our risk review is composed of two display modes: Matrix or Table. With a simple click, you can switch between views and create your risks regardless of the display mode.
Creation of a new risk
When creating a risk, a side window opens. It includes a risk label as well as 3 tabs: Identity, Assessment and Action Plan. By completing all of these elements, you will be able to calmly manage your project risks, from their initialization to the implementation of the action plan and monitoring:
1. “Identity” tab
This tab allows you to define your risk using the following fields:
- Risk label (required field)
- Reference
- Date of appearance (required field)
- Family
- Description
2. “Evaluation” tab
We come to define the potential impact of our risk on the project in terms of probability and severity:
- Probability: very high, high, medium, low (required field)
- Severity: painless, limited, severe, dramatic (required field)
- Criticality: The criticality level of a risk is determined from the score obtained by the product of the probability and the severity (each with a value between 1 and 4).
The four levels represented in the new risk matrix are:
- Negligible : score less than or equal to 2
- Moderate : score between 3 and 6
- Important : score between 8 and 12
- Review : score equal to 16
- Tendency
To illustrate probability/Gravity, this little infographic can help you:
3. “Action Plan” tab
Identifying a risk is not enough. It is then necessary to put in place an action plan to prevent it from occurring or to limit its scope. To do this, you will have a free text field to complete with all of your procedures as well as a review date for your risks.
- State (required field)
- Responsible: Defaulted to the project manager
- Action plan
- Tasks: create risk-related tasks
- Review
- date of last review (required field)
- next review date
Managing your risks at the Portfolio level
1. “Risk Review” tab
You have just created all of your risks on your projects and activities and you now want to have a global display of these in order to:
Manage and arbitrate all your risks
- Observe the dates of the last reviews
- Assess your risk status
- ...
To do this, go to our dedicated "Risk Review" tab accessible on the "Portfolios" module. It also has two display modes: Table and Matrix.
2. Table Display
In Table mode, risks are presented in a "list" format with all risk data available in columns. When you click on a row, the details of a risk open in a banner on the right.
In this view, it is possible to choose which columns and groupings you want to display ("Views" at the top right)
3. Matrix Display
In Matrix mode, a matrix presents the number of risks at each probability/severity intersection. It is clickable to filter the "risk list" table on the right.
Going further in the configuration of a risk
1. Customizable axes
As everywhere in our platform, you will find 4 customizable analytical axes available via Admin > Configuration > List of values > Risks. These will allow you to refine the level of detail and customization of your risks while allowing you to create your own display views in the table view of the "Risk Review" tab.
2. Description of probability and severity levels
In the configuration, a "risk matrix" field is available in the summary. It allows you to enter a description for each of the different levels of severity and probability of a risk. It will allow the different project managers to coordinate on a common definition so that all risks have a consistent severity level:
This information appears in the detail sheet of our risk in the "assessment" tab by hovering the mouse over the informative (i):
3. Export Excel
From the context menu (3 small dots at the top right), you can export all the risks of your Projects and Activities. In the export file, you will find them on the dedicated tab "Risks"a dedicated tab.