I need to create a large number of budget lines: which method should I use to be efficient ?
The budget line is Abraxio's most detailed element, containing most of the information.
The more detailed this line is, the more you will be able to use the environment to manage your Department and communicate.
The question of the detail of these lines systematically arises, and the perceived creation effort is often overestimated.
We have observed that the vast majority of our customers manage several hundred budget lines. It is therefore quite natural to create a large number of budget lines.
Few examples
- For a given sub-budget, create at least one Budget line per supplier. This will speed up the creation of Purchase orders and the allocation of Consumption: "HP laptop"; "DELL laptop";...
- If you have the same supplier for different categories of expenditure (Software / Services / Hardware, etc.), you can also create separate budget lines by modifying the category only.
- For a heterogeneous distribution of costs by site or by beneficiary, duplicate your budget lines in order to enter different values on a "Site" or "Beneficiary" analytical dimension.
Create your budget lines easily
By manually duplicating existing budget lines
All the information on the Qualification and Analytical tabs of the copied budget line will be automatically copied,
- You can change the wording (2), the supplier (3) and enter the associated budget (4)
By mass importing the budget
To create budget lines very quickly, you can also use mass import of the budget.
From the import template, simply copy and paste your lines into Excel, change the supplier names and then import all the lines at once.
Optimise your data-entry time by filling in only those elements that are mandatory when creating a line item
- Create your line by entering only the Category and Label
- In your detailed budget, then create a personalised view so that you can fill in the additional fields directly in the view in "Enhanced Excel" mode:
- As a first step, provide the forecast budget only for the month oin which the Fiscal year begins. The split by month can come later, and has no impact on the annual analysis.
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