How budgets work in Abraxio

How budgets work in Abraxio


  1. A Department budget (the ISD budget, for example) is managed by Fiscal year (2023, 2024 etc.). The budget will therefore be implemented over successive Fiscal years (ISD 2023, ISD 2024, etc.). It is made up of Projects and Activities.
  2. A Project is characterised by its aim to build or develop the IS or the organisation (Build) and its limited timeframe
  3. An activity concerns everything that is not a project : the Run , i.e. the recurring operation of the IS and the IT which we will renew from year to year. Eventually, we could create Build activities to bring together a set of small projects, and Transversal activities to centralize IS management and governance costs. An activity will therefore be managed by budgetary year and by default renewed from year to year.

Operating principles

Your Projects and Activities span times


Your Department budget provides an overall view for a single Fiscal year

Access to budgets : Portfolios module vs Finance module

Budgets can be accessed from the Finance and Portfolios modules, but from a different perspective :


Budget Structure 

It is therefore the Budget line that contains all details of the budget and its Committed items. Sub-budgets group together these lines and define the permissions.
Department budgets and projects/activities are views that define a scope (a set of budget lines) and a timeframe (observation period).

All charges (purchase orders, time spent, invoices) are assigned to a budget line.


A view for everyone :
  1. A CIO will be able to view his budget by Fiscal year via the Finance module.
  2. A Project Manager will work through the global budget for his Project from start to finish. The breakdown by Fiscal year will be done automatically and the Department budget will be updated in real time.

Faster preparation for a new Fiscal year :
  1. When you create the Department budget for a new Fiscal year, Abraxio automatically extends all the Run budgets and includes all the budgets for validated projects that have an impact on the new Fiscal year. Around 70% of the Department budget is therefore automatically pre-filled!

Automatic cut-off :
  1. If a Project is delayed or straddles several Fiscal years, abraxio recalculates the impact per Fiscal year in real time, with no effort at all !
  2. This feature is particularly useful for efficiently managing Fiscal year-end/New Fiscal year periods, or for measuring the impact of a project being delayed due to a delay or the need to reduce the budget for the fiscal year.

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