Initialising the annual budget

Initialising the annual budget

Creating the Department budget

When you first access the Abraxio Finance module, you will be prompted to create your Department budget.
Click on Finance in the left menu bar
You will be taken to the Department budget creation wizard:

Step 1: Initiate the budget

Fill in the following fields:
  1.  Budget name: Enter the name of your department.
    1. For example, "IT Dept", etc. Preferably choose a short name to optimize the display
  2. Fiscal year: enter the month and year of the beginning end end of your financial year
    1. For example: from 01/2023 to 12/2023 or 09/2023 to 08/2024
    2. Except in the case of a legal merger or a change in your company's financial year end, your financial year will last 12 months.
Important: Enter the oldest financial year you want to start in Abraxio. You will not be able to create earlier fiscal years. Typically it could be the fiscal year of the oldest Order still active on your current fiscal year.
  1. Manager: Enter the name of the person in charge of the department's budget.
Click Next step.

Step 2: Set your Management preferences

Abraxio offers a minimal configuration by default, you can customize it now or do it later.
To simplify your views and management, do not enable options you do not think you will use.
  1. Display costs: "excl. VAT", "incl. VAT" or both of them
    1. Choose “excl. VAT” if you manage your budget exclusively by excluding VAT. This is the most common case for companies.
    2. Choose “incl. VAT” if you control your budget including VAT. This is particularly the case for companies exempt from VAT such as in the insurance french sector.
    3. Choose “Excl. VAT and incl. VAT" if you want to be able to see your budgets with the 2 options. In this case, you must specify whether you want a default entry excluding or including VAT and a display excluding or including VAT..
  2. CAPEX: Indicate whether you want to manage fixed assets in your budget.
    1. If you answer Yes, enter the default values for your these assets (you will be able to override these values on each of your budget lines):
      1. Default duration: duration of immobilization in number of months
      2. Immobilization rate: part of the asset considered immobilization (leave at 100%, very exceptional parameter)
  3. Financial view:
    1. Cashout: classic budget view based on "invoiced costs". All expenses in a period are charged to the period.
    2. P&L: financial view oriented towards "profit and loss". This option is available if you have activated CAPEX:
      1. Expenses not capitalized in a period are charged to the period
      2. Expenses capitalized in a period are not allocated.
      3. Depreciation allocations for capitalized expenses are charged over the entire capitalization period.
  4. Payroll: Enable this option if you want to include the salaries of your management in your budget.
Click Next Step.

Step 3: Define objectives

This section allows you to fill in the budget for your previous Fiscal year and the budget target set for this new Fiscal year. This information will be used for comparison with your new budget and will form part of the management indicators. This information is not mandatory.

Complete the following information:
  1. Budget target for this new financial year
  2. Budget made for the previous financial year
You will notice that the amounts are to be entered in either Excluding VAT or Including VAT, according to your preferences described in the previous step. Similarly, the P&L section will only be displayed if you have selected this option in the previous step.

Click Access budget lines.

Your budget will be initialized and you will be taken to the global view of your department's budget in the Finance module.

All configuration elements are accessible in the Administration / Configuration module : Finance module configuration.

All the elements that qualify your budget are accessible in the Finance module.

Creation of activity budgets

In the overview of your budget, start to structure your RUN budgets (operating budgets and budgets outside project mode) by creating Activities sub-budgets.

  1. As a first step, create a Run-type Activity sub-budget for each department in your organization, following its organization chart or operational breakdown. For example: "Infrastructure", "Workplace Department", "Business Apps Department", "Third-party application maintenance", etc.
  2. Secondly, if a sub-budget contains too many or too few budget lines, you can restructure your sub-budgets to make them easier to read, this by moving your budget lines to other sub-budgets.
These Activities budgets can be accessed and modified in the Finance and Portfolios modules. In these 2 modules, these budgets are managed according to successive financial years.

Steps for creating a Sub-budget :
  1. Click + Add a sub-budget
  2. Select Create or add an activity budget
  3. Select an activity from the list or create a new one
  4. Select an existing sub-budget or create a new one
  5. Select the RUN type
  6. Click on Next Step
  7. Enter the Name of your sub-budget. For example, "Infrastructure"
  8. Click Save

Click on the sub-budget you have just created to access its detailed view:

Creation of project budgets

Each project has a budget represented by one or more sub-budgets. For a "simple" project, create a single sub-budget. For a long or complex project, you can create several sub-budgets to distinguish major phases or parallel projects: "Scoping", "Lot 1", "Lot 2", for example.
These project budgets can be accessed and modified in the Finance and Portfolio modules. The main difference is as follows
  1. In the Portfolios module, you will see your project budget over its entire duration and therefore with its total cost (from its start date to its end date);
  2. In the Finance module, you see your project budget in the context of the selected financial year, and therefore the part of the budget that affects the financial year in question.
Start by creating a project sub-budget:
  1. Select the Financial module and the current fiscal year
  2. Click on the Overview of your fiscal year budget
  3. Click + Add a sub-budget
  4. Select Create or add a budget project
  5. Select "+ Create a project"

  1. Choose "Create a new project"    
  2. Click on Next :

  1. Enter the Name of your project
  2. Optional : choose a Reference
  3. Select the destination Portfolio (or leave it by default)
  4. Click Save

  1. Now that your new project is created, create the equivalent sub-budget by clicking "Add":

The sub-budget for your project is now created.

Click on the sub-budget you have just created to access its detailed view and fill-in its budget lines :

Authorizing budget managers

Sub-budget authorizations are managed from the sub-budget details pop-up window. Can be accessed from the Overview budget tab at the right of each of the sub-budget lines :

This can also be accessed from the detailed view options menu on a budget-line:

These two actions open the Sub-budget details pop-up window:

In this window you can:
  1. Describe your sub-budget
  2. Define who is authorized to modify the sub-budget:
  1. The manager is the main budget manager: select or create a user from the drop-down list
  2. Secondary managers: select or create one or more users and then click on "+ add selection"
These authorizations can also be defined in the "Portfolios" module - "Team" section.

To find out more about authorizations, take a look at the article : "User Management"

Creation of budget lines

In the detail view, you can create/modify/delete budget lines.
Steps to create a budget line :
  1. Click on + Add a line. At the bottom of the screen, the budget line editor appears in Create mode.
  2. Select a Category
  3. Enter the Label of the line
  4. Enter the Budget of your budget line in the plan
  5. Click on Save

During creation, the Category and Label fields are mandatory. The other data can be filled in now or later.
Once saved :
  1. The budget line editor switches to the edit mode
  2. The budget line appears in the Budget Lines table

You can now add to your budget line or create new budget lines.

The "Status" field can have 3 values: "To review", "In progress" and "Closed":

  1. The first two statuses are purely informative: it is still possible to modify the budget and enter orders and invoices.
  2. In the "Closed" state, and only if time tracking is activated, a collaborator can no longer enter time on this line.
To return to the overview of your budget, click on the back arrow in the title bar:

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