Management of statement / archive and comparison

Management of statement / archive and comparison

Introduction - difference between statement and archive

Statements provide a snapshot of your budget at a given moment in time. All the information copied cannot be modified. Statements can be used in financial Dashboard Finance/ Flash reports suivi. They are generally used at the beginning ("Initial budget"), revision ("Statement 04"; "Statement 09"...) and end of the Fiscal year ("Landing"). They are very often linked to the various stages of budget revision, in order to quantify the forecasts/revisions made/validated...

Archives are identical to Statements, except that they do not interfere with your financial reports. They allow you to create a baseline and are useful before carrying out certain mass operations (major updates or budget extensions, for example).

Statement /archive management

Create a statement or an archive from the current budget

To create a statement or archive :
  1. Access to the budget fiscal year
  2. Click on the menu in the top right-hand corner 
  3. Click on "Create statement" or "Create archive"

In the window for creating the statement/archive : 
  1. Complete or modify the name
  2. Change the date if necessary
  3. Add a description if you wish

Create a statement from a simulation

If you need to work on a statement with several departments, it is possible to create a statement from an archive of Simulation.
4 steps are necessary :
1- In the Finance module, create a simulation based on your current budget.
2- Work on your future budget statement in the simulation in complete security, with no outside interference
3- In the Finance module, from your simulation, create an archive of this simulation when your statement is ready
4- From the archive you have created, copy this simulation archive as the current budget closure: 

Prerequisite: the period of the archive must correspond exactly to the period of the fiscal year.

In the archive and statement audit, you can easily find out from which source this data was created: 

Please note: This process does not include the Collaborators budget - it is not currently applicable to budget with an activated Collaborators budget.

Viewing the contents of a statement or archive

Open a statement sheet or archive

(1) From the Finance module
(2) Synthesis tab 
(3) Click on the chevron to display the different statement and archives
(4) Click on the statement or archive you wish to consult

Open the details of a by-law or archive

(1) Once the statement or archive is displayed (1) , you will see the Global View = Overview.
(2) You can display the detailed view from the budget menu or by clicking on "Open" :

Deleting a by-law or archive

  1. View the relevant statement or archive
  2. Click on the menu 
  3. Click on Delete

Convert an archive into an order

  1. View the archive concerned
  2. Edit the archive record by clicking on the name of the archive or by clicking on Edit in the menu 

  1. Change the Archive type to statement and rename the archive/statement if necessary

  1. Save

Export an order or archive to Excel

  1. View the relevant statement or archive
  2. Click on the menu  
  3. Click on Export to Excel


Activate budget comparison

To compare your budget with a statement or an archive:
  1. Display your annual budget - Detailed view (Open all budget lines)
  2. Click on "Compare" and select the version you wish to compare:

  1. Click on "Apply" :

Once you have selected the statement or archive, new columns will appear to compare your current budget with your snapshot.
The comparison columns are then added to the table (in JxH or budget, depending on the view selected): 

In this way, you can compare your current budget with a "photo", line by line, by grouping of lines or overall.

Deactivate budget comparison

To deactivate the comparison :
  1. Click on Compare
  2. Click on Deactivate

The comparison columns no longer appear in the table.

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