Navigation in the Portfolios module

Navigation in the Portfolios module

Quick access to the list of projects and activities

To access the list of your projects in 1 click, click on the menu at the top left of the Portfolios screen:

The list of Projects and Activities displayed depends on your access authorisations :      
  1. Access to all projects and activities
  2. Restricted access to projects and activities that concern you, for which you have a role (manager, sponsor, portfolio manager, budget manager or member). These elements are defined in the team block of the project or activity form.

Accessing portfolio views

The different views are accessible from the Portfolio module Dashboard:

  1. Portfolios review : summary view of your portfolios
  2. Project review : summary view of your projects
  3. Activities review : table view of your activities
  4. Workload plan : summary view of planned allocations by project/activity
  5. Capacity planning : Summary view of capacity planning by profile

Quick view/edit projects/activities

From the overview, Project review or Activity review tabs, you access the list of your projects or activities in spreadsheet mode..
  1. To open a project or activity, click on the arrow in the 1st column of the table
  2. To view the details of information or make changes, click on the corresponding area in the table !

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