Organize your tasks and those of your teams

Organize your tasks and those of your teams


This article describes the main operating principles of the Tasks module. in Abraxio, including sorting and displays, associations as well as accessibility rules for these tasks for each user.

Regarding email communication related to tasks, go to the article: Change my Abraxio communication preferences

Introducing the Tasks Module

Each user can access the tasks module directly from the module   in the sidebar, view all the tasks available to it and create, update or delete a task.
The task view is customizable just like all views in Abraxio.

By default, Abraxio offers System views:
  1. My Tasks : access to tasks for which the user is responsible, requester or observer. This view is saved as a favorite in the application by default.
  2. My assigned tasks : access to tasks for which the user is responsible, the user is entered in the "Assigned to" field
  3. My delegated tasks : access to tasks created by the user and whose manager present in the "Assigned to" field is different from himself.
  4. My observed tasks : access to the tasks on which the user is informed in the "Observer" field
  5. All tasks : access to all tasks saved in the platform to which he must have access.
The cogwheel is used to select the data to be displayed in the task tracking table.

Sorting and viewing tasks

You can choose how to display tasks.
By default, the view offered is the My Tasks view in Kanban View by deadline.
  1. Kanban View : This view allows you to organize tasks by:
    1. Due date , calculated on the revised due date entered on the task:
      1. Overdue : Displays tasks with a due date before today's date.
      2. This Week : Displays tasks that have a due date within the current week and are not overdue.
      3. Next Week : Displays tasks with a due date within the week following the day of login.
      4. Unscheduled : Displays tasks that do not have a due date entered.
      5. Later : Displays tasks with a due date later than next week.
    2. State :
      1. To be processed
      2. In progress
      3. Treated
      4. Abandoned
    3. Priority :
      1. High
      2. Average
      3. Low

IdeaIn the Kanban views by State and Priority, tasks can easily be moved to the next or previous state via Drag & Drop.
  1. List View: This view can be organized by   Deadline, Status, Priority, Responsible, Applicant
Each view is organized with at least one grouping level. A second one can be added by selecting a second level:

The Created by, Created on, Modified by, Modified on fields are available for addition in the list view.


Sorts are available to order the task view: it is possible to:
  1. move up/down sorting criteria
  2. choose sort by order / ascending or descending
  3. add remove a sort criterion

Advanced Filters

Advanced filters can also be set to the following values:
  1. Due dates (e.g. all tasks between today's date and the end of the month)
  2. Scope : Scope of tasks currently being viewed:
    1. All tasks : access to all tasks that the user is authorized to see in Abraxio
    2. My Tasks : access to tasks for which the user is responsible
    3. My delegated tasks : access to tasks created by the user but whose manager is different from himself
    4. My observed tasks : access to the tasks on which the user is informed in the observer field
  3. Associations (see paragraph Associating a task with an object)

To simplify the task view, you also have the option to hide completed tasks. To keep your recently completed work especially in the Kanban view, several options are available:
  1. Hide all completed tasks
  2. Hide all tasks completed more than a week ago / more than two weeks ago / more than a month ago

Customizing the Tasks Module

Three analytical axes can be added on the tasks to allow you to customize the module. These analytical axes can then be used for displaying the Kanban view, board, level 2 grouping and sorting.
Analytical axes can be configured by your environment administrator in the Admin > Configuration > Value Lists module.

Create a task

From the Tasks module or from the Tasks boxes on the various Abraxio screens, click on "+ Create". You can then fill in the following fields:
  1. Task Subject: Task title limited to 50 characters
  2. Number : Tasks are automatically numbered by the Abraxio platform as soon as they have been created.
  3. Status: To be processed
  4. Assigned to : Person who is to perform the task
  5. Due Date: Date by which the task must be completed
  6. Requester : Person who initiated the task
  7. Priority: high, medium or low
  8. Observer : Third party following the task
  9. Associated with : Associate the task with a project, activity, budget, contract or supplier
The rich text description field allows you to specify the actions to be performed for this task to be considered completed.

You can also add observers who will be able to view this task, track its progress, and enter comments.

Click Save.
To create a task on an object, you must have modification rights on this object (even if this is restricted).

Projects / Activities
Suppliers / Contracts
Project Manager

Add a checklist to a task

From the "Checklist" tab, you have the possibility to divide your tasks into sub-elements, and thus facilitate their monitoring.

From this tab you can:
  1. Create one or more checklists and rename them
  2. Add or remove items
  3. Order items (drag and drop) within a checklist or move them to another checklist
  4. Hide completed items
  5. Track the progress of the checklist

Associate a task with an object

Each task can be associated with one or more elements in Abraxio:
  1. Supplier
  3. Project
  4. Activity
  5. Risks
  6. Budget
From the various Tasks boxes, you can add tasks to the project, activity and supplier sheets as well as from the Finance module.

Adding tasks from these entry points will then create the default association to simplify the organization of your tasks:
  1. Create a task from the Portfolios module:
    1. Within a project or activity sheet > Tasks box > + Create a task: the task will be associated by default with the project or activity.
    2. Within a project or activity risk > Action plan box > + Create a task: the task will be associated by default with the project or activity risk
  2. Create a task from the Suppliers module:
    1. On a Suppliers file > Management tab > Tasks box > + Create a task: the task will then be associated with the supplier.
  3. Create a task from the Finance module:
    1. On the Finance module home page > + Create a task: the task will then be associated with the current budget year.

View/update a task

You can select a task by clicking on:
  1. The corresponding row in the List View,
  2. The corresponding card in the Kanban View.
A shutter then opens on the right.
This panel can be collapsed/unfolded at any time and you can continue browsing the application while keeping the task open. Only the number of the open task is displayed.

Depending on your role on the task, you have different rights:
  1. If you are the requester , you can edit all task data, provide comments, and delete the task.
  2. If you are responsible for the task, you can provide comments and edit all task data except the original due date, requester, and priority.
  3. If you are an observer , you can only add comments.
On the Task Summary tab, you can view all the data entered when the task was created as well as the last comment entered on the task. To view all the comments for a task, you can access the Comments tab.

Delete a task

Only the task requester and the organization manager (configurable by Abraxio administrators via Admin > Organization) are allowed to delete a task. Deletion is accessible on the task sheet at the top right via the menu :

The task manager can, for his part, change his progress and can abandon the task.

Duplicate a task

The functionality is accessible on the task sheet at the top right via the menu :

All information will be copied except the deadline, comments and files.

Task accessibility rules

The accessibility rules for a task vary depending on the users (see Administration Module > Users)

They depend on the type of Abraxio subscription and the authorization rules defined (configurable by Abraxio administrators via Admin > Users) for each user.

There are three scopes for the Tasks module: "All", "All on my objects" and "Assigned only".
Regardless of the scope set and the task associations, a user will always see all the tasks on which he has a role: requester, manager or observer.
When a user has permissions to view a task, he sees all the associations of this task even those concerning objects to which he does not have access in the platform (they will be presented in read-only mode).

Scope "All"

This scope is only available for Project Manager and Manager profiles.
Users with this scope see all tasks on the platform, regardless of their scope on other Abraxio modules. They can create tasks on all objects in the modules they have access to.

Scope "All about my objects"

This scope is available for all profiles. It is the default value proposed when creating a user with a Direction, Project Manager or Manager profile.
Users with this scope see all tasks associated with objects to which they have modification access (even restricted) on the platform. When creating an association on a task, they also only see the objects to which they have modification access.
Here is a summary of the objects concerned depending on the license and the scopes of the modules:

Projects/Activities (prerequisite: access to the module)

Only projects/activities on which the collaborator is a member


  1. Scope projects/activities "Affected only": only projects/activities on which the user is a member
  2. Scope projects/activities "All": all projects/activities on the platform

Project Manager

  1. Scope projects/activities "Affected only": only projects/activities on which the user is a member
  2. Scope projects/activities "All": all projects/activities on the platform


  1. If no access to the module: no supplier
  2. If full access to the module: all providers of the platform

  1. If no access to the module: no contract
  2. If full access to the module: all contracts on the platform


  1. Scope projects/activities "Affected only": only projects/activities on which the user is a member
  2. Scope projects/activities "All": all projects/activities on the platform

  1. If full access to the Finance module with a sub-budget scope of "All": all budgets
  2. Otherwise no budget

  1. If no access to the module: no supplier
  2. If full access to the module: all platform providers

  1. If no access to the module: no contract
  2. If full access to the module: all contracts on the platform

Notes Example 1: for a user with a Project Manager profile, if the Suppliers module is unchecked, he will not see the tasks associated with the Suppliers tree and will not be able to add a task to a supplier

Scope "Affected only"

This scope is available for all profiles. It is the default value proposed when creating a user with a Collaborator profile.
Users with this scope only see the tasks on which they have a role (requester, manager or observer). When creating an association on a task, they only see the objects to which they have access to modify.

Example 2 : for a user with a Project Manager profile with a "Assigned only" scope on projects/activities, he will only see and be able to create tasks on the projects/activities to which he is assigned (manager, member, main or secondary budget manager)

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