Overview of the Suppliers module

Overview of the Suppliers module


The Suppliers module allows you to manage your supplier repository, follow-up your contracts and automate the follow-up of your contracts' Deadlines.
Like all Abraxio modules, it can be used independently of the others. You can use this module exclusively, start with this one and then extend to the others, or start with others and add to this module later.

Abraxio is provided with a standard configuration that allows you to start immediately. If you have Administration rights, settings can be accessed from the relevant screens, allowing you to adjust your configuration as you go along, according to your needs. To find out more about configuration, see the article Configuration of the Suppliers module. 

Overview of the Suppliers module summary screen

The summary screen of the Suppliers module shows :
  1. A quick-access list of suppliers on the left, which can be configured to allow suppliers to be grouped according to the desired axis
  2. A breakdown of suppliers by service offered
  3. Top 10 suppliers: consolidation of the 10 suppliers with the highest budgets for the current Fiscal year
  4. A list of "my" tasks and "delegated/follow-up" tasks linked to suppliers

From this Summary screen, 3 tabs are accessible: 
  1. Suppliers : list of suppliers
  2. Contracts : list of registered contracts
  3. Deadlines : list of contract deadlines
Each tab contains configurable tables, also known as "views", with sorting, filtering, grouping and "full text" searches, providing you with search, editing and quick analysis features for your entire repository:
  1. Clicking on the arrow to the left of each line provides access to the associated file
  2. A click on a cell in the line allows quick consultation/editing of the SDS without leaving the screen

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