Portal and navigation

Portal and navigation

First connection

After your subscription, your Software is initialized and a user account is created.
You will receive an email from Abraxio. If necessary, check your spam folder.
  1. Click on the Activate my account link. The Abraxio activation page will be displayed

  1. Choose your password
  2. Read the Terms and Conditions of Use and tick the acceptance box
  3. Click on Activate and you will be taken to the Abraxio dashboard, your pilot cockpit.

Portal Presentation


On the left-hand side of the screen, you can access the folowing Abraxio modules:

Abraxio business modules:

  1. Portfolios: access to projects and activities portfolios, qualification, pricing, planning, monitoring etc.
  2. Suppliers: access to your supplier reference database : identification, skills, budget, business and contractual relationship, etc.
  3. Finance: access to your management budget : forecast, purchase orders, expenses etc.
  4. Management: access to the management of your teams: timesheets, workload plan, remuneration

Utility modules

  1. Resources: access to the catalogue of resources : hardware, software, profiles, etc. proposed by your suppliers and possibly consumed in your budget
  2. Documents: access to the integrated document management : organized storage of your documents associated with your suppliers, projects, budgets, etc.
  3. Tasks: access to the integrated task manager : assign and track tasks associated with your suppliers, projects, budgets, etc.

Transversal functions

  1. Administration : Abraxio configuration, user and authorization management, management of your organization and subscriptions, reporting management
  2. My profile Section : access to my personal information : contact details, language, profile, change password...
 Back to Abraxio portal 

This left-hand menu is customized according to the user's subscription profile and permissions. Users will only see the sections they are allowed to see.
Their workspace is therefore optimized with what is useful to them.

Title bar

In all the Abraxio's screens, you'll find a title bar. This sets the context of the page displayed: name of the module, name of the consulted object.
On the Abraxio portal, you can view the name of your company or organization.

For example, in the Suppliers module, on the supplier Abraxio, you can see:

  1. a "Back" link to return to the previous screen
  2. the name of the module: "Suppliers"
  3. State of the supplier: "Active"
  4. the name of the supplier: "Abraxio"
  5. the main tabs of the sheet: "Identity", Management", "Follow-up" and "Contract"
To the right of the title bar, you'll find the advanced menus of your work context:

For example, on a supplier's record, you access the supplier's Removal option. From the Abraxio portal, you can access to bulk import features.

Help and Support

At the top right of the screen, you access the help center.

This section allows you to access all of our online documentation:
  1. Our Help Center
  1. How to get started: Our tips for getting started quickly with the Abraxio software
  2. Frequently asked question
  3. What's new? All our release notes
  4. Documentation: Detailed articles to make it easier for you to use the software
  5. Webinars: Videos to zoom in on a feature, an approach, etc.

  1. The Support area:
This section is your entry point to the Abraxio Support Center and allows you to open a ticket.

To open a request :
  1. choose the type of request: question / issue / new feature
  2. enter the subject of the ticket
  3. describe the request with as much information as possible to help us respond as quickly as possible
  4. in addition, you can take a screenshot to help us understand the request
  5. click on Validate to submit the request
Your request will be sent to Abraxio support and we will reply by email with the address support@abraxio.com


Your portal consists of blocks, each linked to a module.
These blocks are either quick access points (to your Projects, timesheets, etc.) or operational management indicators that prompt you to take action.
The portal is customized according to the subscription of the connected user and his authorizations.
When you start in Abraxio, the indicators are empty until you have created objects. Create your first supplier and go back to the Abraxio portal to view your first indicators.


Transversal principles to application

  1. the left menu bar allows direct access to Abraxio modules
  2. the title bar at the top of the screen shows the context of the screen you are in
  3. the help bar at the top right opens the help center or support in the right pane

In the 4 Portfolios, Suppliers, Finance and Management business modules, Abraxio offers top-down navigation from the most general to the most detailed :
Upon entry into a module, you arrive on a dashboard of the module containing :
  1. management indicators
  2. a list of elements (list of suppliers or projects or budgets or resources)
By selecting an element, you access to the detailed f the element.

Let's take an example on the Suppliers module:
By opening the Abraxio supplier record, you arrive on the following screen:

At the top left, you will find the module's name: "Suppliers"
On the right, the back arrow takes you back to the supplier dashboard.
In the title bar, you will find:
  1. the name of the record consulted: "Abraxio".
  2. 1st level menus, "Identity", "Management", "Contracts"
  3. the advanced menu at the top right of the screen:
Within the business modules, each block allows you to navigate to the affected objects.

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