Resource management

Resource management


Defining Resources in Abraxio allows you to set up a real purchasing catalogue in which you can describe hardware, software, Contractors with costs and supplier associations.

Although optional, they allow you to:
  1. Structure and qualify your different expense items,
  2. Simplify the entry of budget lines by pre-filling the elements defined for a resource (category, unit price, nature of purchase, fixed asset, description, etc.),
  3. Analyze your expenses by resource.


Access the Resources module by clicking on on the left sidebar to navigate to the Resources dashboard :

From this screen:
You can access to your resources sorted by category/subcategory in the sidebar and a search bar is available.
Indicators for your resources give you a quick overview:

  1.  Ratio of budget managed via resources per category
  2. Top 10 resources impact your budget (on your current budget). Click directly on a line to access one of these resources.
  3. Unused resources (in your current budget) in order to quickly identify a budget line forgotten in your budget or a resource that you no longer consume and that should be archived.
 At the bottom of the screen, the table summarises the main information about all your resources.

 Managing a resource


A resource can have 4 states :
  1. Referenced : the resource has been created but has never been used in a Fiscal year. The resource can be used in your Budget lines.
  2. Active : the resource is used in your current budget
  3. Inactive : the resource was used in a past Fiscal year but is not used in the current budget.
  4. Archived : the resource has been archived and is therefore no longer shown in the resource catalogue by standard. It can therefore no longer be selected in a budget line.


To create a resource:
  1. Click on ,
  2. Complete the mandatory elements (category and name) and configure the characteristic elements of the resource,
  3. Save.
The resource will then takes on the status "Referenced", and can now be selected in your Budget lines.

 You can also create resources from a budget line and from a supplier's Resources area.


To delete a resource, it must not be used within a budget line and be in the Referenced state:
  1. Select the resource,
  2. In the detail block, click on Delete and confirm.
For active or inactive resources (which are therefore used in the current budget or a previous budget), you can only archive them.


To archive a resource:
  1. Select the resource,
  2. In the detail block, click on Archive and confirm.
By default, resources that have been archived are no longer visible. You can display them in your resource catalogue by checking the Display archives option in the sidebar.

Resource configuration    

By creating or selecting a resource, you access the resource sheet.


  1. Name : Define the name of the resource which will be visible on selection in your budget lines.
  2. Category : A resource must be characterised by its category (Hardware, Software, External Services, etc.). Categories cannot be modified and correspond to the budget sections defined by the CIGREF repository cost analysis model.
  3. Subcategory : For a given category, you can characterise the resource by a sub-category, which allows you to organise/order your resources (type of Software, Network/Server/Workstation Hardware, etc.). The sub-categories are configurable, with only a few values imposed by the CIGREF repository cost analysis model. If you have Administration rights, you can configure this list by clicking on   .
  4. DescriptionThis area allows you to fill in any information you wish (history, pricing policy, changes, etc.).

Purchase lines and linked resources

For a single resource, you can Add a linked resource to create a new resource with the same category, name and sub-category, but with different characteristics (type of purchase, supplier, price, CAPEX, additional name, etc.). This resource will then appear on a new purchase line in your resource inventory.
By clicking on each purchase line, you can view and modify the characteristics of these resources. They can then be used in your Budget lines (provided they have not been archived).

  1. For software, this feature allows you to describe, for example, purchase lines corresponding to the acquisition of licences and other lines to annual maintenance.

  2. For hardware, for example, it can be used to describe a range: for a laptop Resource, VIP, Developer and Standard purchase lines.


Complete the optional detail items of your resource:
  1. Additional name : this field is particularly useful when you have several purchase lines for the same resource in order to distinguish them. In the detailed budget views, the name of the selected resource will then appear as follows: [resource name] / [additional name]. 
  1. Purchase nature : purchase nature depend of the category. The default values correspond to the budget sub-budget sections defined by the CIGREF repository cost analysis model. The Category / Purchase type mapping integrated into the environment is as follows:

CategoryNature of purchase
Personnel costsExpenses
SoftwareSmall software Purchases 
SoftwareRentals & royalties
HardwareSmall equipments purchases 
HardwareHardaware supplies
External servicesTechnical assistance
External servicesFixed prices
External servicesConsulting fees
Internal profilesSalaries charged
Online servicesSubscription
  1. Supplier : You can specify the supplier of the resource if it is known and unique. Note that you can find all the resources linked to a supplier directly on its supplier sheet.

Save the information you have entered.

From here you can :

  1. Archive the resource so that it is no longer available for selection in your budget lines (only if it has already been used)
  2. Delete the resource so that it disappears from the resource catalog (only if it is referenced and has therefore never been used in your budget)

Values & Budget

Depending on the category filled in, fill in the billing information for the resource. For human resources (internal profiles and external services), the elements to be completed differ according to the allocation policy.

All categories

The values you fill in enable you to define the price characteristics that will be automatically included in your Budget lines when the Resource is selected:
  1. Unit price : price of 1 resource
    1. By : define the unit of the resource: Workstation, Server, Equipment, Unit or Person.
    2. By : sset the payment frequency to one of the following: month, quarter, half-year or year.
    3. It is advisable to follow the billing frequency to fill in the unit cost in order to better structure your budget and facilitate the budget/consumption reconciliation: if you have a monthly billing subscription, fill in the monthly price, if the billing is annual, fill in the annual price. 

  2. Quantity : This indicative field allows you to keep inventory information on the number of resources you have. This field therefore does not impact your budget elements.
  3. VAT : Enter the VAT that will be applied by default to the selection of a resource in a budget line.
  4. Immobilizable : Check Yes if the purchase line is by definition always immobilizable (server purchase, software, etc.).
  5. Details : This free area allows you to store your notes.

External services

From a budgetary point of view, the cost of external contractors is generally expressed as an ADR (average daily rate):

  1. The standard unit is therefore MD (Man Day) and the unit price will be ADR (Average daily rate).
  2. Define the skills profile of the resource: This will enable you to group your human resources by profile in Capacity planning.
  3. To configure external Collaborators by name, a link will take you to the management module, where you can configure them individually
 If necessary, you can still select "Per unit" (instead of Per MD (Man Day)) with an associated frequency to express a fixed cost per month, quarter, half-year or year.

Internal profiles

  1. Manage payroll :
    1. Choose No if you wish to allocate this Resource in order to establish a budget (MD (Man Day) and/or €) for your Projects and Activities

      1. Define the resource's ADR (which will be taken by default in the budget lines before the actual assignment of a Collaborator). Enter 0 if you do not want to value the cost of your internal profiles within your Projects and Activities. Also select the Resource's skills profile.

    1. Choose Yes if you wish to define the overall salary for a team and not manage the individual remuneration of Collaborators. This Resource will not be available in team assignments.

      1. Define the team's annual loaded salary.

If you manage the payroll of teams in your budgets via resources, it is important to not value the assignments of your internal Collaborators to Projects and Activities in €, as this could result in double counting. You should therefore apply an ADR (average daily rate) of €0.
The Management module can also be used to manage the remuneration of Collaborators. In this case, the system can be used to value the assignments of internal Collaborators without double counting.

Using a resource in Abraxio

Budget lines

  1. You can use your resources on your Budget lines to pre-fill the characteristics defined on your resource (category, purchase type, price...).

  2. When a resource is used within a budget, it becomes active.

Establish a budget in MD (Man Day) 

To quantify your projects and activities by defining a skills requirement (Profile) and an associated cost, it is recommended to use resources from the External Services and Internal Profiles categories.
In fact, you can create Quotation charts by defining generic resources based on standard profiles.
For example "Junior Project Manager / ADR €500", "Senior Project Manager / ADR €700".
Once your projects and activities have been qualified and valued, you can proceed with staffing by assigning Collaborators who can carry their own ADR (Average Daily Rate).

For occasional expertise from your Contractors, fixed-price contracts or any service that does not require staffing / workload management, describe the Resource in the traditional way, with the associated supplier.

To find out more about team workloads, see the documentation for the Management and Portfolios modules.

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