Dashboards configuration

Dashboards configuration

Access to Dashboard configuration

To create/modify/delete dashboard, go to the Dashboard configuration page :
  1. from the Admin Module : Admin > Dashboards

  1. from the Finance Module > Dashboards > Configure

  1. from a report, by clicking on "Configure dashboard" then on "Edit"

Create and configure Dashboard

  1. Step 1 : Create the dashboard
    1. Click on the button 
    2. Complete the following information
      1. Name 
      2. Status
        1.  "In preparation" : the dashboard is not visible from the Finance module
        2. "Published"  : the report is finalised and visible from the Finance module
      3. Group : define the the folder in which the dashboard will be classified.
    1. Click on "Save"
  1. Step 2 : Organising the dashboard
    1. Add one or more lines of components to organise the page by clicking on 

  1. Step 3 : Create components
    1. Add components by clicking on
    2. Choose the type of indicator

    1. Fill in the component definition
    2. Configure the data to be displayed
    3. Add filters
    4. Sort data
    5. For graphs, choose the type of graph
    6. Preview the result in real time
    7. Repeat this step for each component
  1. Step 4 : Save your Dashboard
    1. Click on the "Save" button
  1. Step 5 : Publish your Dashboard
    1. To make the dashboard available to all authorised users in the Finance module, click on the pencil in the title bar and change the status to "Published".

Dashboard Management

List of Dashboards

From the Admin > Dashboards : you can access the all Dashboards available

Click on a Dashboard to open it.

Only dashboard in 'Published' status are visible from the Finance module.

Manage dashboard


To create a new report, you can also duplicate an existing report.
  1. Open the dashboard to be duplicated
  2. In the advanced menu in the title bar, select "Duplicate".
  1. Fill in the dashboard name
  2. Configure the dashboard 


To delete a dashboard :
  1. Open the dashboard to be deleted
  2. In the advanced menu in the title bar, select "Delete".


To change the dashboard name or status, click on the pencil below the dashboard name in the title bar: 


To publish or unpublish a dashboard , click on the pencil in the area associated with the dashboard status.
Change the status of the dashboard :
  1. Status "In preparation": the dashboard is in preparation and is not visible from the Finance module.
  2. Status "Published": the dashboard has been finalised and is visible from the Finance module.

Abraxio standard Dashboard

Abraxio offers standard dashboard that cannot be modified in order to illustrate Abraxio's features and to offer first KPIs immediately.
If you do not want them to be visible from the Finance module, you can set them to "In preparation".
You can create your own Dashboard Finance/ Flash reports suivi by duplicating Abraxio reports.


Header bar

The header bar is composed of 3 sections:

  1. Viewing context (left)
    1. Selection of the Fiscal year to view
    2. Choice of Excl. VAT or Incl. VAT (available if you have activated the Excl. VAT and Incl. VAT modes in your Finance module configuration)
  2. View mode (centre)
    1. View: displays your report as it will appear in the Finance module
    2. Modify: puts the report into edit mode to modify its content
  3. Operations (right)
    1. Add a line: adds a line of components to your report
    2. Save: saves the changes made to the report
    3. Cancel: cancels the current changes and returns to the Initial state

Filter line

These transversal filters apply to all the components of your report.
You can define up to 3 filters among all the qualifiers of your budgets.

Component lines

Your report is structured into component lines, with each line able to contain 1 to 5 components.
To add a line, click on the "+ Add a line" button in the header bar. A popup window opens:
  1. Fill in the name of the line. This is not mandatory and will be displayed on the report.
  2. Fill in the number of components to be displayed on the line. 
  3. Choose the line height
The choice of number of components and line height depends very much on the type of component and content you wish to add to your report.

At the top right of each line, you will find action buttons :
  1.   move the line using drag & drop
  2.  edit the line to change its name or height
  3.   delete the line

Component management


In each cell of your report, if the component is empty, you are invited to add a component by clicking on "+ Add a component".

A popup window for initialising your component opens. Choose the type of indicator you want to display:
  1. Key figure: presentation of a single figure. For example: total budget, number of budget lines, etc.
  2. Pivot table.
  3. Graph: pie chart, vertical bars, horizontal bars, etc.
  4. Trend table: this indicator lets you see how your budget has evolved over the various Fiscal years and Statements.
The rest of the creation process is described in the next section.


Definition stage

This step is common to all component types:

  1. Name: Fill in the name of the component. This will be displayed in the cell.
  2. Data set: in the current version of abraxio, the data set is that of your budget. Other datasets will be available at a later date.
  3. Unit of amounts: if amounts are shown, choose between € or k€. All amounts will be rounded to the nearest unit.
  4. Accuracy of percentages: if percentages are shown, choose the number of digits after the decimal point.
  5. Description: this field is optional. It is used to explain the KPI and will be displayed as a tooltip when the report is returned.
Click on "Next step" to configure your component.

Configuration stage - General principles

This stage allows you to define the data to be displayed and the way it is formatted.
The screens presented will differ according to the type of indicator presented in your component.
Generally speaking, on the left you have a utility bar and on the right a preview area.
  1. Utility bar. Depending on the type of indicator, the following tabs may be displayed:
    1. Data: choice of data to be displayed
    2. Filters: application of filters to data
    3. Display: choice of graph type and display parameters
  2. Preview area. The functions available depend on the type of indicator:
    1. Switch between data or graph display
    2. Sort columns

Key figure" Configuration stage

  1. Data tab: Select the data to be summed and output.
  2. Filters tab: Apply filters

Pivot table" Configuration stage

  1. Data tab :
    1. Choose the data to display in rows
    2. Choose the data to display in columns
    3. Choose the values
  2. Filters tab :
    1. Apply filters
  3. View tab :
    1. Choose the level open by standard on Dashboard Finance/ Flash reports suivi (by default all levels are open)
  4. In the preview area, you can then sort the table by clicking on the column headers.

Graph" Configuration stage

  1. Data tab :
    1. Choose the data to be displayed in rows
    2. Choose the data to display in columns
  2. Choose the values
    1. Filters tab :
  3. Apply filters
  4. View tab :
    1. Choose the type of graph
    2. Legend display: if enabled, choose position
    3. Display values in the graph (note: all values will always be accessible by hovering over a graph area)
  5. In the preview area :
    1. Access the underlying data by clicking on the "Data" button
    2. Apply sorting by clicking on the column headers
Depending on the type of chart you have chosen, the rows, columns and values selected will have a different property. 
For example, on a pie chart :
  1. A maximum of one row and no columns can be taken into account.
  2. If no line is defined, several values can be defined, in which case they are added together
  3. If a line is defined, only the 1st value is taken into account

Evolution table" Configuration step

This table enables you to analyse changes in your budget indicators.
You can therefore select data from your current budget (your Forecast), from Statements and/or from previous Fiscal years.
Note: these elements are defined in a 'relative' way (Fiscal year N for the current year, N-1 for the previous year, etc. and not 2021, 2020).
So in the Finance module, when you open your report in the context of your 2021 budget, year N will be 2021. If you open your 2020 budget, Fiscal year N will be 2020.

  1. Data tab :
    1. Choose the data to be displayed online:
      1. You can choose up to 3 levels of grouping from the list of all the qualifiers for your budget lines.
      2. You can also customise the wording that will be displayed at the top of each column.
    2. Choose the columns to be displayed: click on "Add a column".

  1. Value 1: value to be displayed in the column
  2. Operator: used to define an operation to be performed on the column
      1. Value: no operation will be performed. The column displayed will be Value 1
      2. Difference: Value 1 - Value 2
      3. %: Value 1 / Value 2
      4. % difference: (Value 1 - Value 2) / Value 2 (% change)
    1. Value 2: if a transaction is selected, it will be performed against this value 2
    2. Label: defines the label to be displayed in the column header
    3. Actions :
      1. Display order: the columns will be displayed in the order defined in this table. You can use the "move up" and "move down" functions to change the order in which the columns are displayed. However, abraxio will automatically group the columns by Fiscal year and by Statement.
      2. Deleting a column
  1. Click on "Apply" to preview your changes
  2. Filters tab :
    1. Apply filters
  3. View tab :
    1. Choose the level that is open by standard on Dashboard Finance/ Flash reports suivi (by default all levels are open)


At the top right of each component, you will find action buttons:

  1.     drag & drop the component to another cell
  2.   edit the component to change its content
  3. delete the component

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