I have several suppliers on the same budget line : how do I do it?
A budget line has just one supplier, but this information is not mandatory.
There are two ways of managing this situation :
1 - Create one budget line per supplier (recommended)
- Benefits
- Provides much more detailed follow-up of your budget
- Allows you to automatically enter the annual budget for each supplier in the "Suppliers module" and to carry out analyses (Top 10 / Contracts and existing deadlines for suppliers with the largest budgets, etc.).
- Greatly facilitates manual entry of purchase orders and invoices (automatic selection of supplier-related budget lines)
- Required if you want the "matching confidence score" of mass imported invoices on your budget lines to be high.
- Drawbacks
- You need to multiply the budget lines per supplier when you initialise your environment.
2 - Leave the "Supplier" field empty on multi-supplier lines
- Benefit
- Saves time on budget initialisation
- Drawbacks
- Suppliers' budgets will not be uploaded to the "Suppliers" module, which will prevent a large number of analyses.
- To allocate purchase orders and charge invoices, budget lines will have to be selected manually from all the lines --> recurring loss of time
- If you use mass import of invoices, the "matching confidence score" between budget line and invoice will be much lower and will require manual searches to find the right budget line to charge.
Best practice : it is customary to enter supplier details only on lines which represent a significant percentage of your budget. On "minor" lines (purchase of small items of equipment, travel, etc.) it is quite common not to enter any suppliers.
In any case, whether or not you enter a supplier on the budget line does not prevent you from charging invoices or purchase orders from any supplier to this line.
Don't forget: you can create budget lines very easily : follow our method to make your life easier!
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