Simulations : Principles and operating model

Simulations : Principles and operating model

Simulation: Principles

Simulations are used to explore new budget scenarios without affecting your current budget.
  1. Either for a global financial year, e.g. to create "ideal", "standard" or "limited" scenarios, or to prepare a budget for N+1...
  2. Or for projects or activities, for example to cost a revised project budget.
Simulations are copies of your budget stored in watertight sandboxes that do not affect your current departmental or project budgets. Like all budgets in Abraxio, simulations consist of sub-budgets, each containing one or more budget lines, which can be modified individually and then integrated into your current budg

The overall simulation process consists of the following 5 steps:
  1. Create the simulation by copying the sub-budgets (and associated budget lines) either from a global fiscal year (requires a "Manager" subscription) or from a project or activity (possible with a "Project Manager" subscription).
  2. “In preparation” simulation:
    1. Modify/Add/Delete sub-budgets and/or budget lines
  3. “To be validated” simulation:
    1. Validate or reject of new estimates, by budget line
  4. “To be integrated” simulation:
    1. Integration of these changers into the current budget, by budget line
  5. Closed” simulation
    1. Simulation completed. Available for consultation.
Within this overall process, the following Budget line and Sub-budget statuses can be used:
  1. Modification of budget line statuses:
    1. Draft: quotation work in progress (default state when creating the simulation)
    2. To review: the quotation is finalized, the budget line is subject to validation
    3. To merge: the quotation is validated, the budget line can be integrated into your budget
    4. Merged: the quotation has been integrated into your budget (automatic status via the integration process)
    5. Rejected: the quotation has not been validated, it should not be included in your budget
  1. Once the work on the Budget lines has been completed, you can modify the status of the Sub-budget:
    1. In preparation: quotation work in progress (standard status during creation of the simulation)
    2. To validate: the quotation is finalized, it can be submitted for validation
    3. To merge: the quotation is validated, it is ready to be integrated into your budget
    4. Closed: The Sub-budget has been processed
During the process of integrating a simulation into your budget, the integrated budget lines automatically inherit the status "Integrated".

Department Budget Simulation

Create a simulation of a global department budget

From the global or detailed view of your budget, you can create a simulation from:
  1. A blank budget
  2. A copy of your budget
  3. A copy of another simulation

Tip: If you want to prepare for your financial year N+1 but do not want to extend your current financial year yet, you can create a simulation based on your financial year N. The method is described below:

  1. Start with a copy of your current budget and extend it over 2 financial years

  1. Open all budget lines of all sub-budgets in your simulation:

  1. "Cut" activity budgets for period N

  1. Paste them on N+1:

  1. Go to step 2 of the overall Simulation process above.

Accessing a Department budget simulation

Global simulations of a department's budget can be accessed from the Finance module Overview:

Deleting a simulation from a Department budget

To delete a simulation:
  1. Go to the simulation
  2. Click on then click Delete

Simulation of a project budget

Create a simulation of a project budget

You can also create one (or more) project or activity simulation(s).
  1. Go to the relevant project - "Management" tab
  2. In the “Budget” block, click on “New quotation +”:

  1. To create a new simulation click on “+ New costing”

Access a simulation of a project budget

From the relevant project:
  1. Go to the “Management” tab: you will find the simulations at the bottom left
  2. If multiple simulations are created, hover over the arrow next to the first simulation to view and select the other simulations

Or since the financial year concerned:
  1. From the Finance module (1), go to the financial year considered (2) then to the “Simulations to integrate” sub-tab (3) and finally to the sub-budget considered (4):

Delete a simulation from a project budget

To delete a simulation from a project budget:
- Access the simulation
- Click on then click Delete

Including quotations from a simulation

If you want to include at least one budget line from a simulation sub-budget, you have three options:
1. Include a quote from a departmental budget simulation
2. Include a quote from a project budget
3. Integrate a project or department estimate within a financial year

1. Include a quote from a departmental budget simulation

To integrate a simulation from a global budget simulation, go to the overview of your Finance module:
  1. Select the “Simulations” tab to access your budget simulations

It shows you all your Department budget simulations, regardless of their status.

  1. Select the simulation containing the quotes you wish to integrate by clicking on Global next to the simulation
The simulation sub-budgets are then displayed:

  1. Sub-budgets in "To merge" status are highlighted with a blue integration button
  2. Sub-budgets with the status "In preparation" or "To validat" are displayed neutrally with the same button. However, these sub-budgets can still be fully integrated
  3. Finally, sub-budgets for "Closed" project simulations cannot be integrated
  1. Select the simulation sub-budget to integrate by clicking on the 'Merge' button.

2. Integrating a Project Budget Quotation

Do you want to merge a simulation sub-budget into a project?
  1. Go to the global view of your project budget:

  1. Access the simulation to merge

  1. Click the 'Merge' button for the simulation sub-budget you wish to integrate.

3. Integrating a Project or Department Quotation into a Fiscal year

  1. Go to the Fiscal year concerned
  2. Go to "Simulations to merge" and click on Merge next to the Sub-budget to be integrated

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