When should I use a Statement, Archive or Simulation?

When should I use a Statement, Archive or Simulation?

Statements provide a snapshot of your budget at a given moment in time. All the information copied cannot be modified. Statements can be used in financial Dashboard Finance/ Flash reports suivi. They are generally used at the beginning ("Initial budget"), revision ("Statement 04"; "Statement 09"...) and end of the Fiscal year ("Landing"). They are very often linked to the various stages of budget revision, in order to quantify the forecasts/revisions made/validated...

Archives are identical to Statements, except that they do not interfere with your financial reports. They allow you to create a baseline and are useful before carrying out certain mass operations (major updates or budget extensions, for example). 

Simulations, on the other hand, allow you to copy an entire budget (or another simulation) and modify the copy without impact. This is useful, for example, if you want to project very different budget assumptions for the coming months/years.
For example, outsourcing, major transformation programmes such as different versions of the ISDS, etc. The simulated elements can then be integrated into the current budget.

All these elements can then be used in all the Finance views to compare them with your current budget :

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