I've created an activity by mistake : can I turn it into a Project ?

I've created an activity by mistake : can I turn it into a Project ?

Activities and Projects do not have the same properties in the software :
  1. In the Portfolios module: the Follow-up is different.
  2. For the associated sub-budgets: they are either RUN (Activity) or BUILD (Project). 
As such, it is not possible to change the nature of a Project to Activity or vice versa.

However, if an activity has been created incorrectly, you can create a project, move the existing budget lines on the activity's sub-budget to the new project's sub-budget and then delete the activity and its associated sub-budget (and vice versa to transform a project into an activity)

The procedure is described below: 
  1. Create your various activities / projects and associated sub-budgets,
  2. From the Finance module: move the relevant Budget lines to the desired Sub-budgets,
  3. From the Portfolios module: then delete the activities/projects that were created under the wrong type (or temporarily archive them so that they are no longer visible in your Committed projects/activities hierarchy if you want to keep information that needs to be re-entered).

Changing a Sub-budget budget line