Employee management

Employee management


The purpose of the Management module is to manage teams and Collaborators.

As a Team Manager, you can describe your organisation, your teams and your Collaborators.

This article describes the various elements of describing and configuring a Collaborator from the perspective of :

  1. managing their assignments to Projects/Activities

  2. management of their capacity and availability (in the sense of the number of days per month that can be reserved for projects/activities) 

  3. management of remuneration and/or ADR (average daily rate)

  4. time tracking (time sheets)

  5. changes in situation (e.g. internalisation of an external, arrival/departure of Collaborators, etc.).

As a Manager, activating these elements will give you a 360° view of your teams' assignments and capacity planning.

Collaborator management requires a Manager subscription with access rights to the Management module.

Definition of Collaborator vs. User

Users are managed in the Admin/Users module. Find all the documentation by following this link.
As a reminder, a user can take 4 states:
  1. Referenced : the user can be referenced in Abraxio (sponsor, Project Manager, etc.) but has no access to Abraxio. Minimum information is required (first name, last name and email). Please note that no email will be sent to a user who does not have access to Abraxio.
  2. Invited: an Abraxio subscription is assigned to the user, his authorisations are configured and an email has been sent inviting him to connect to Abraxio.
  3. Active : the user has connected to the Abraxio platform, his access is operational.
  4. Archived : the user's account has been deactivated, they can no longer connect to the Abraxio platform, their subscription is released and can be reused by another person.
Collaborators are managed in the Management module. These are internal or external users for whom you wish to track time spent, assignments, workload plan and/or remuneration.
Their qualification is enriched with some additional information necessary for their monitoring and configuration elements make it possible to activate the desired level of monitoring.

In Abraxio, this is referred to as managed Collaborators.

Should external contractors be created as Collaborators?

If you want to manage the staffing and workload of a long-term technical support Contractor, we recommend that you manage him as a Collaborator.

On the other hand, for a one-off consultancy or a fixed-price service, it is preferable to create a Resource with a "classic" budget line and no allocation

Creation of a collaborator

As mentioned above, Collaborators are first of all users (referenced). In the Management module, simply activate the "All" switch to view all the users on the environment:

By clicking on a user, you open their file and can add to it so that it becomes a managed Collaborator.

If the user does not yet exist, you can also click on the button "+ Create".

The Collaborator creation popup opens. Fill in the mandatory details. When you have saved the details, you will be redirected to the Collaborator file to finalise the qualification and Configuration.

You can also use mass import of users. The import template allows you to 
  1. create users;
  2. create collaborators;
  3. enrich existing users to transform them into collaborators.

Managing a collaborator

  1. Access the Management module
  2. Select a Collaborator from the list on the left or go to the Teams tab to view a summary table of all Collaborators.

  3. Click on the edit icon to the left of the Collaborator's name to display the Collaborator details block.

You can then access the following 5 tabs:
  1. Qualification : This tab is used to define the Collaborator's identity
  2. Configuration : This tab is used to activate the Collaborator's Follow-up, configure the management periods and define the desired level of follow-up: Assignments, ADR (Average daily rate), Capacity and Remuneration for internal collaborators.
  3. Budget : This tab is displayed as soon as capacity or ADR (Average daily rate) management is activated. It is used to specify the days worked and the budget items associated with the Collaborator.
  4. Timesheets: This tab is used to activate timesheets for the Collaborator. This option is available for collaborators whose management of Assignments is activated.

  5. Assignments : This tab is displayed as soon as assignment tracking is activated. It provides a 360° view of the assignments planned for the Collaborator across all Projects and Activities.

Example of an internal Collaborator for whom assignments, timesheets and remuneration are activated


At the top right of the collaborator's file, you find the user's status, i.e. their level of access to Abraxio:
  1. If the user is Registered , you can directly access the Admin/Users module to configure their access and invite them to join Abraxio 
  2. If the user is active , their Abraxio access is indicated:
The Qualification tab allows you to configure the collaborator's identity information and enter notes:


Here are the configurable elements for a collaborator:
First name


The email can only be modified if the associated user is referenced and not active. To find out more cf. User Management.
The reference can be used to store an identifier of the collaborator (collaborator number, identifier in a third-party tool, etc.)
Indicates the collaborator's position within your organization
List of teams
Management / Team to which this collaborator is attached


Period management

By default, when a collaborator is not managed, you can activate their monitoring on the Configuration tab:

When Follow-up is activated, an initial Management period is initialised with no end date. The status and Management mode information presented then depends on the period selected and may change over time.

You can perform various actions on the periods using the button :

  1. For all periods, you can :

    1. Modify the dates of the selected period

    2. Delete selected period
  1. For a period without an end date, you can:

    1. Declare a change of situation : initializes a new period from the date indicated and closes the previous period at the end of the month preceding the date of change of situation.
    2. Declare the departure of the collaborator: closes the period on the date provided.
  1. During a closed period, you can:
    1. Cancel collaborator departure : deletes the end date of the period.
    2. Declare the collaborator's return : initializes a new period on the date indicated.

These management periods allow you to finely manage the movements and changes in the situation of an collaborator (entry/exit, internalization of an external service provider) and thus facilitate monitoring in workload plans and capacity planning.


The situation column contains the following information:
  1. Type : Internal/External
  2. Supplier : if the type is external, entering the supplier is mandatory
  3. Profile : the profile allows you to qualify your collaborator among the professional profiles of your organization. The list of profiles is configurable.
  4. Analytical axes : you can configure up to two analytical axes to provide additional information on your collaborator's situation (profile qualifiers: permanent/alternating employee, collaborator's subsidiary, working time, etc.)

Management mode

Then configure collaborator monitoring according to the type of collaborator (internal or external service provider) and the setting conditions that you wish to define:
  1. Assignments : Check Yes in order to authorize its assignments in projects and activities. This option is essential in order to be able to track times.
  2. ADR: Check Yes in order to follow the collaborator's assignment TJM in the Budget tab
  3. Capacity : Check Yes in order to track the collaborator's worked days in the Budget tab
  4. Salary : Check yes to activate tracking (for internal collaborators only). This monitoring makes it possible to manage the busy monthly salary. Failing this, the collaborator's cost will be assimilated to their number of days worked per month x their TJM.
  5. Working time: Define the collaborator's standard working week (default is 5 days a week), particularly if they work part-time, in order to pre-populate their timesheets and determine their monthly capacity.
Here is a summary of the conditions for activating these values for an collaborator :

Setting conditions
Assignments = Yes
Assignments = Yes
Activated payroll
Collaborator type = Internal
Working Time

Default monthly capacity
If capacity management is enabled, you can define the default monthly capacity in days per month. This value will be considered as the employee's "capacity" over a month if nothing is entered on the schedule in the Budget tab (see below).

A "Calculator" utility is available to help you determine an collaborator's capacity based on the number of days worked in the year or the number of days of absence planned for the year, taking into account the weekly working time set (part-time, for example).

Configuration modification rules

To modify a collaborator's configuration, a few rules apply:
  1. Two periods cannot overlap (and in a given month only one period can exist)
  2. You cannot modify the configuration of a collaborator on a completed exercise.
  3. The type, supplier and management mode column can no longer be modified as soon as there are orders, timesheets or consumption over the period.
  4. The presence of assignments in projects/activities does not prevent you from declaring a change in situation or the departure of an collaborator, but these will be deleted after a warning to allow the period to be closed or a new one to be opened. .
  5. The collaborator profile and analytical axes can always be modified. If you modify any of this information, it will be modified for the entire selected period. If you wish to keep the collaborator's history, you will need to declare a change in situation.


Depending on the monitoring configurations defined, you can then enter the elements in the collaborator's schedule:
  1. Capacity : enter the number of days worked per month in order to determine its "capacity" to be assigned to projects/activities as well as its availability. To determine its 'capacity' to be assigned to projects/activities and its availability, you can enter the number of days worked during the month or the forecast absences.
  2. Assignment ADR: enter the TJM which will be used to value the collaborator in € during their assignment to a project or activity
  3. Salary(for internal collaborators only): enter the monthly salary charged
  4. VAT (for service providers only): your organization's VAT is taken by default. You can modify this value if necessary.
The configuration conditions in order to access these deadlines are as follows:

TimelineSetting conditions
  1. Capacity = Yes
ADR Assignment
  1. TJM = Yes
  1. Activated payroll
  2. Collaborator type = Internal
  3. Remuneration = Yes

Details of the "Capacity" group:

  1. The capacity line is used to enter the number of days worked per month. If nothing is entered in the schedule, the default monthly capacity defined in the Configuration tab is used. This default capacity is capped at the working time for the month.
  2. Working time: corresponds to the employee's maximum theoretical capacity, taking into account the employee's typical week, your organisation's public holidays and, if applicable, the employee's date of arrival or departure if there is a movement during the month.
  3. Absences: used to determine capacity based on forecast absences, using the formula capacity = working time - absences.
There are then two read-only lines:
  1. Absences entered or API absences: if an entry mode is configured for the employee, you will find the data from the manual entry of employees or integration from your HRIS via API.
  2. Consumed (JxH): the employee's consumption for the month, taken from validated timesheets and time invoices. If the employee's capacity is different from the consumption for the month, the capacity is displayed in red.
For accurate management of workload plans, you can use the mass capacity update utility based on actual consumption or forecast absences. You can find the detailed documentation for this tool here

Abraxio manages a "trend" on all schedules to simplify setting up collaborators and work on an infinite schedule. When you enter a value for YRT, remuneration or VAT, this value will be applied to all future months until a new value is explicitly entered.
When a budget changes status to Completed, the trends for the period associated with that budget are frozen.
When a value is derived from a trend, it appears in italics in the schedule. In the following example, an Assignment ADR of €400 was explicitly entered in March 2024, then changed to €450 in January 2025. For the whole of 2024, the Assignment ADR deducted by the trend is €400, then from January 2025 and until further notice the Assignment ADR is €450.


The activation of timesheets is independent of the collaborator's management periods.
For timesheets to be generated, they must be activated and the collaborator must be present for the month with the "Assignments" management mode set to Yes.
Access the documentation on initialization and time tracking by clicking on this link

In the event of a declared arrival or departure during the month, the days concerned will be read-only and automatically populated as days not worked in the timesheets.


In cases where assignments are activated, the Assignments tab summarizes the collaborator's planned assignments on the different budget lines for activities and projects for the current financial year:

From the assignments table, you can
  1. select the MD (Man Day) or FTE unit
  2. display the assignments:
    1. With charge : all the Collaborator's assignments to Projects and Activities with a non-zero charge
    2. All : all the Collaborator's assignments to Projects and Activities with zero or non-zero charge.
From the assignments table, you can also access the workload screen for the project or activity concerned by clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the project or activity name.

Simply click on the button  to return to the Collaborator assignments table.
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