Configuration of the Management module

Configuration of the Management module

Timesheets section

Abraxio allows you to manage your teams' timesheets and allocate the time entered to the budget lines of your projects and activities.
  1. Activate timesheets to make time management functionalities visible in the Abraxio platform
  1. In the Management module, you can then activate time tracking for each collaborator and manage your teams' timesheets.
  2. On the Abraxio home portal, collaborators will have access to their timesheets to fill in

  1. Activate weekly reminders
  1. Abraxio manages monthly timesheets per collaborator which will need to be validated as soon as the full month is entered.
  2. If you want to encourage your collaborators to enter their time as they go, activate the weekly reminder option :
    1. on the Abraxio home portal, a reminder will be displayed to collaborators at the start of the week
    2. a reminder will also be sent by email to collaborators every Monday morning if the entry for the previous week has not been completed
  1. Locking timesheets:
In order to avoid any modification in the past once the consumption has been recorded, if a month is entered, the timesheets up to and including this month will no longer be modifiable, regardless of their state. Only platform administrators will be able to correct these timesheets.
  1. Automatic alignment of capacity

If you activate this option, employee capacity will be automatically aligned with the consumed entered in the timesheets when the timesheets are validated by the managers.
  1. Configure the display of timesheets
  1. Times are entered on budget lines for your projects and activities. To present a clear and readable timesheet for your collaborators, you can define what information will be displayed to present the budget lines.
  2. Select the characteristics to present in the 5 proposed columns.
  3. Once defined, the information will be presented in the yellow part as in the following example:

Provisional absences section

In this section, you can activate the absence entry functions :

Three options are available :

  1. No entry
  2. Manual: entry by the collaborator in Abraxio
  3. API : import by API from HR IT System
To find out more, read our article dedicated to initialising the management of forecasted absences here : link coming soon

Public holidays section

In this section, you will find by default the French public holiday calendar.
You can then arrange it according to your needs:
  1. Select the relevant year at the top of the table.
  2. Force a public holiday in the default calendar to be worked : to do this, click on the pencil to the right of the row concerned to switch to edit mode, then check the box in the "Worked" column.
  3. Add new holidays by clicking "+ Add" at the bottom of the table.

In the current version of Abraxio, it does not apply to Gantt schedules.

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