Abraxio APIs - PowerBI Tutorial

Abraxio APIs - PowerBI Tutorial

The APIs offered on the platform are available free of charge until 10/31/2024 inclusive.
For any additional information, contact your Customer Success Manager or send an email directly to subscription@abraxio.com .

Connect your data to the Abraxio example file

  • Step 1 : Download the model as an attachment to this article (at the bottom of the page): DemoAbraxio_v1.pbit
  • Step 2 : When opening the model, the Abraxio API URL is already populated, you still have to fill in the authentication elements specific to your environment ( click here to access the documentation on authentication 'API):

Choose Anonymous access:

  • Step 3 :
When loading the data, you will need to check the “Ignore confidentiality level controls for this file” box:

Then, the loading is executed and you have access to the following example reports:

  • Budget analysis
This report presents KPIs on your budget (build/run distribution, opex/capex, projects/activities) and the budget distribution by category of the CIGREF framework.
The available filters are:
  • Choice of a budgetary year
  • The first 3 personalized analytical axes of the Finance module

  • Broken down budget
If you use one or more analytical axes broken down as a percentage on your budget lines, this report allows you to choose the financial year and select the analytical axis on which the report relates.
The report presents quality analysis KPIs (percentage of total budget broken down) and a detailed table of breakdown by projects/activities.

  • Comparisons
This report allows you to compare budgetary indicators (budget, opex, capex, consumption) between your budgetary years and their archives/decrees. The selection of budgets to compare is done on the left (selection of financial years, archives, orders).

  • Monthly comparisons
This report allows you to compare your € and JxH budgets between different financial years to be selected on the left.

Data loading error
If you encounter the error message above when loading data, you must modify the confidentiality settings in your file in the following configuration:

Description of the sample file data model

Here is the schema of the data model that powers the reports described previously:

  • Projects: List of projects with their qualifiers. These projects are linked to the exercises and the archives/decrees, we therefore find in this table one occurrence of project per exercise, archive or decree containing it.
  • Budgets: List of budgetary exercises
  • Snapshots: List of archives/decrees, as well as an entry named "Budget" corresponding to the "current" budget of each financial year in order to build the advanced selector of financial years/archives/decrees in the example of "Comparison" report
  • Lines: List of budget lines (which come from the budget for a financial year, a decree, or an archive)
  • LinesSchedules: Monthly schedule associated with a budget line
  • LinesDimensions: Details of the values of the analytical axes of a budget line
  • BudgetDimensions: Description of the configuration of the analytical axes

For more details on the content of the data exposed by the Abraxio Finance APIs, find the dedicated article here

[Coming soon] Power your PowerBI data source from the Abraxio API

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