Management of invoices

Management of invoices


Once your budget is initialized, it will live and evolve throughout your budget year. You will then be able to manage your budget by commitment and/or budget consumption based on orders placed and invoices recorded.
Budget consumed = All expenses recorded in a given financial year (invoices + internal costs). You can open this Consumption view from the Home of the finance module for each of your budgetary years
Committed budget = Sum of expenses already recorded and the balance of orders in progress for a given financial year (invoices + internal costs + Positive balance of remaining orders).
Managing the evolution of your committed budget requires recording your orders and invoices.
To manage your committed budget, you need to record your orders and invoices.

To see how to manage your orders, please refer to the Order management article.

Save an invoice

Mandatory elements when registering an invoice:
  1. A date (a common practice is to enter the date appearing on the invoice),
  2. A supplier , if this one is not yet referenced you can quickly create it by entering 3 values: its name, its state, and the company services concerned by this supplier.
  3. A budget line : Depending on the selected supplier, the budget lines on which this has been entered will be proposed by default. However, if these lines do not match your invoice, you can use the Advanced Search. A pop-up will then open, remove the filter on Supplier and choose the appropriate budget line.
  4. The period of the service to which the invoice refers ( From ... To , in months). If the end date is not provided, the start date will be taken into account.
Optional input elements:
  1. Total (excluding tax or including tax depending on your configuration): An entry pop-up opens to enter the invoice amounts:

  1. Label : allows you to name the invoice line.
  2. Number : This notion can be particularly interesting if you want to facilitate reconciliation with your accounting or a search by invoice number. It is also possible to make entry compulsory in Configuration > Finance > Invoices.
Good to know
  1. An option is available to make the entry of invoice numbers mandatory (Admin > Configuration > Finance > Invoices).
  2. You can also activate the option automatically renaming invoice documents (<supplier name> - <invoice date>) to facilitate searching in the GED

Depending on how you associate your invoices with your budget lines (and optionally with an order), you have 3 options for recording your invoices :

Entering from the GED

This option is best suited if you wish to import several invoice type documents into the Abraxio GED.

From the Finance module > INVOICES TO ENTER block :

      1. The Abraxio EDM then opens to create your invoice type documents
      2. Then add unit files, a folder including your different invoice documents, or enter the URL of a document.
      3. For each loaded document, you can then Qualify, add one or more association(s)

  1. The GED then opens > Select the invoice to enter and complete the date and supplier

Manual entry from the invoice management screen

  1. In the Finance module > Open the Consumption view of your budget > Add an Invoice via the button at the bottom left of your invoices and complete the elements of your invoice.
  2. It is then possible to associate an invoice type document by clicking on and then let yourself be guided in the Abraxio GED.

In mass import

  1. You can bulk import invoices via a .CSV or .XSLX spreadsheet file. This case is particularly suitable when your accounting department sends you a spreadsheet with the different amounts consumed. Follow this link to access to the documentation Mass import of invoices and time spent.

Select the budget line to be charged by an invoice using the number of an order

You can use the purchase order number to find the budget line to be charged:

- the purchase order field displays all the purchase orders associated with the supplier you have entered:

- you can enter an order number to filter the list of orders proposed:

- selecting an order automatically updates the budget line to be charged with the line associated with the selected order: 

The budget lines proposed depend on your access rights: only lines for sub-budgets to which you have access are proposed.

Registering an invoice with an impact on several budget lines

An invoice can be sent by a supplier and impact several budget lines. In the INVOICE block, you can add the budget line(s) by clicking on  and complete the elements necessary for this registration. It is then essential to distribute the invoice amount between the lines concerned.

From an invoice that has been entered or is being saved:
  1. From the Invoice block, click on and then select the new additional budget line(s) to which the invoice should also be posted.
  1. Then allocate the invoice amount according to the budget lines to the different invoice lines.

Linking a document to an invoice

If you have entered invoices manually, you can then associate an invoice-type document by clicking on and then let yourself be guided through the Abraxio EDM :

Delete an invoice

From the Consumed tab of your budget, select a registered invoice and click on Delete accessible in the right menu:

To delete an invoice line, click on the delete button  to the left of the line.

Correspondence between Order and Invoice

If an order has been recorded on a budget line,   When entering an invoice on this same line, the corresponding order will automatically be proposed in the Order field of the INVOICE block . If several orders are in progress, you must choose the corresponding one. You can delete this link if the registered invoice has no link with this order.

When an Invoice is recorded, its amount will then be deducted from the balance of the order. If, however, no other invoice is expected for this order, you can balance the order.
Balance of an order
Let's take the example of an order placed for €1000. An invoice is recorded for an amount of €900. The balance of the order then increases to €100. The amount committed does not vary. If no other invoice is expected, it is then possible to settle the order by clicking on the settle button located on the order line or the invoice line. The amount committed will then be deducted by €100.

Register a credit note

Sometimes credits are generated by suppliers. To account for them, the correct way to proceed in Abraxio is to enter an invoice on the corresponding budget line and enter a negative amount in "Total excluding tax"
How to record an invoice impacting several budget lines?
In the INVOICE block, select a saved invoice then click on . Then select the new additional budget line to which the invoice should also be charged. Then distribute the invoice amount according to the budget lines.

Appendix : Values of fiscal year states

The different Abraxio states are as follows:
  1. In preparation: during the budget preparation phase, you can create/modify budget lines and record orders.
  2. Active : the financial year has started, you can create/modify the budget, record orders and allocate consumption.
  3. Closing: the financial year has ended, your budget can no longer be modified and you can no longer register an order. You can finalize the consumption entry .
  4. Done: your budget and consumption can no longer be modified.
Until receipt of the last invoice for year N, it is advisable to leave this budget in the "Closing" state in order to be able to enter the consumed, until the balance of orders integrated into this year is exhausted - -> It is therefore necessary to plan all the budgets before closing (or leave the 2 financial years in the Active state, but anything that will be modified in financial year N will not be taken into account for financial year N+1 ).

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