How to initialize time tracking?

How to initialize time tracking?


This article describes the main steps to initialize time tracking for your organisation :
Enable time tracking features for your organisation
  1. Create teams
  2. Create collaborators and add them to teams
  3. Activate collaborators time tracking
  4. Specify the entry policy for each budget line
  5. Enter a timesheet
  6. Validate a timesheet


Configuring your environment

  1. Access the Admin/Configuration module , then click on the Management tab
  2. Enable time tracking for your organization
  3. Configure the different options

  1. If you want to qualify the times entered using additional attributes, configure the timesheet analytical axes and then define the list of authorised values for each project/activity.

  1. Access the Admin/Users module
  2. Check that your managers who will be responsible for validating timesheets have access to the Management module:
    1. In the Authorisations section of the User file, activate the rights by ticking the Management box.
    2. Define the Teams scope:
    3.       All: the manager will have full access to all teams, staff and timesheets
    4. Assigned only: the manager will only have full access to the teams for which he/she is designated as the manager.
Timesheet management requires an Abraxio "Manager" subscription.

Setting up teams

To manage your collaborators' timesheets, you need to create teams, define their managers who will be responsible for validating timesheets and add collaborators.
  1. Go to the Management module
  2. Click on "Manage Teams".
  3. Create Departments and then Teams:
    1. Management : 1st level organisation to "classify" all Abraxio users whether they are only referenced or have an Abraxio access account. For example: IS Management, General Management, Marketing Management, etc.
    2. Team : 2nd level organisation representing managed units. For example: Infrastructure, User Support, Research and Development, etc. For each team, one or more managers must be designated. These will be the people responsible for monitoring team members and validating timesheets.
    3. Add collaborator to be managed (with time tracking) in teams:
      1. If the collaborator already exist, you can use the "Manage teams" popup or access the Teams tab in the Management module.
      2. If you need to create new collaborator, go to the Admin/users module to create referenced users individually or to carry out a mass import.
    4. Activate time tracking for each collabortor :
      1. In the Management module, open the Teams tab
      2. Select a collaborator :
        1. Complete the information in the details block at the bottom of the screen
        2. Activate time tracking and change the "Assignments" management mode to Yes in the Configuration tab.
        3. Configure time tracking in the Timesheets tab :
          1. Generation of timesheets from : enter the month from which timesheets are to be generated for the collaborator.
          2. Auto-validation: tick Yes if you want the collaborato's timesheets to be automatically validated without manager intervention. Otherwise, when a timesheet fully completed by an employee is published, the employee's manager must explicitly validate it.

Define Time entry policy

For each budget line in the Internal profile or External service category, an Assignment tab is available. In this tab, you can enter the time entry policy for the budget line, with 4 options :

  1. All : all collaborators can enter their time on the budget line. This can be used, for example, for cross-functional budgets such as "Training".
  2. Project-activity team : all collaborators who are members of the project/activity team can enter their time on the budget line.If you use this option, it is important to fill in the Team heading for projects and activities in the Portfolios module. This is the default option when a budget line is created.
  3. Named : all the collaborators listed can enter their time on the budget line.
  4. None : no-one can enter time on this budget line.


Entering timesheets

A collaborator has timesheets to enter if he/she is a member of a team and time tracking is activated.
If the collaborator has access to Abraxio (regardless of subscription level), He can fill in timesheets .
If they do not have access, their manager (team leader) will have to fill in the timesheet.

From the dashboard (Abraxio home page), a collaborator can access the list of timesheets already completed and to be completed :

Click on a timesheet to see the details:

  1. Select the project or activity lines on which you have spent time.
  2. Enter the time spent: 1 for the whole day, 0.5 for half a day, etc.
  3. Publish as soon as your monthly timesheet is complete, : when the total of each column is equal to 1.
Abraxio allows you to manage your collaborator's forecasted absences by manual entry or API import in order to pre-feed timesheets and avoid double entry. To find out more, click here.

Validating timesheets

From the Management module, a team manager can validate timesheets and correct them if necessary.
Note that if "Auto-validation" mode is activated for a collaborator, timesheets are automatically validated as soon as they are published. However, the manager still has the option of correcting them if necessary.
  1. Go to the Management module and click on the Timesheet tab
  2. Select your team
  3. By default, you will see all timesheets in the "To be entered" and "To be validated" states.
  4. Click on a line to open a timesheet
  5. Click on Validate to validate a timesheet and generate the associated consumption.
  6. Click on Correct to modify a timesheet.
From this screen, managers can also enter timesheets for their employees.


From the dashboard in the Management module, a manager can use indicators to monitor timesheets.
Depending on the access rights defined in the Admin/Users/Team Scope module, these indicators can be restricted to the teams managed by the manager or to all teams.

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