Release Notes Abraxio – August 1, 2024

Release Notes Abraxio – August 1, 2024

Customization of project reports - Portfolios module

In order to adapt to your governance, Abraxio evolves and allows you to personalize the different states of a project or activity.

1. The progress screen

For each change of state, the user enters a date and can indicate a reason for change if desired. The last status change is visually highlighted on the screen with the date and author of this change.
All status changes feed into the project history which can be consulted at any time. This history is the subject of a new tab in the Excel export of a unit project and in the export of all projects and activities.

Access the complete documentation in this article: Project and activity management

2. Configuring states

The states can be configured in the Wallet configuration screen from the Admin Module. The configuration of the stages/states of projects and activities are independent of each other.
The three stages (qualifying, committed and completed) can contain up to 8 states.
A “Preview” button allows you to view the rendering of the progress screen at any time.

Access the complete documentation in this article: Configuring the Wallets module

Project budgets by fiscal year - Portfolios Module

You can find the distribution of the budget of your multi-year projects over one or more financial years and choose to display the desired budget indicators for one or more financial years between N-1 and N+3*.
From the project review tab, it is now possible to configure a grid view displaying a budget per financial year. Once selected, the groups of columns per exercise are added dynamically and the column settings can be saved in the views.
*The financial year N corresponds to the current budget and all the financial years are available even if they are not created in the Finance module.

Access the full documentation in this article: Portfolio management

Mass operations - Management module

To make it easier to manage your teams, we are offering you new mass operations. These two features are accessible from the Management module in the teams tab.

1. TJM update

From the team management screen, it is now possible to update the TJM of several employees in one click. The TJM of the selected employees is updated from the defined start month and until the end month (if the end month is not entered the TJM will be applied until the next change of TJM).

2. Times Update

If you need to retroactively modify employee TJMs, you can now do so from the team management screen.
First step: modify the TJM retroactively in the employee's configuration.
Second step: launch the “Time Update” mass operation wizard.
When the operation is executed, the times for the selected period will be recalculated with the TJM retroactively modified for the selected employees.

Access the complete documentation in this article: Team management - Mass operations

To complete this new functionality, a new parameter in the Finance configuration allows this operation to be automated ; the Times will be automatically updated in the event of a change in an employee's TJM. We advise you to enable this option by default.

Access the complete documentation in this article: Configuring the finance module

The Abraxio team wishes you a good start with these new features!

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